In the second of our success stories we hear from Sonny Smith who joined University Lodge of Chester in 2016 whilst at the University of Chester reading Economics and Business Studies, who went on to be Worshipful Master of the Lodge in 2021.
"The first time I heard about Freemasonry is a similar story as many in my age group will have heard about it, with hushed voices and pop culture references in games, music, and memes. This perked my curiosity, but the first time I heard about Freemasonry was at the University of Chester at the Freshers' Fair, where there was a booth for a University Lodge. It was here where I first heard about Freemasonry, what they do, and the charity work, and asked if I'd be interested in joining.
When people ask me about Freemasonry and why I'm a Freemason, it's that sense of mystery. A sense of fraternity and belonging with people with a common point to all relate to. We all come from different walks of life, careers, and ambitions. However, we all share having that ceremony and that sense of curiosity and adventure. Since we all share, the organisation can help build each other as we are all brothers in a fraternity. We are always there for each other, inside of the lodge, but also outside of the lodge.
Over my years as a Freemason, I am constantly surprised by what I learn, the people I meet, and how supportive people are, I always wanted to know more, throw myself into it, learn the ceremony and be part of that ceremony. The more I volunteered, the more I put into it, and the more I got out of it"
